Category: Sports

Olympic Radio with PURE

August 5, 2021 3 Min. Lesezeit

How The Olympics Take Place on the Radio

Picking up where we left off for the EURO 2020, we are looking into the history of sportscasting for the Olympics. Another event where the heroic acts of the demigods of athleticism are narrated by the crème de la crème of sports commentators. Read more!

Rediscover football magic with StreamR Splash

July 12, 2020 3 Min. Lesezeit

Rediscover football magic with StreamR Splash

Football is and always has been an everyday thing in our society and brings together people from all walks of life. That’s why, even this year, we shouldn’t be entirely without it. After all, who doesn’t remember the “Endless Summer” 2012 or Zara Larsson and David Guetta singing of a united Europe in 2016? Tune in!